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Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4) Page 12

  “She’s under the necromancer’s spell. We can’t have her drawing them to the mansion,” Teague assured him. “We can protect her better there.”

  He knew that his brother was right, but this was his mate. She belonged with him at home, not in a prison cell. He glanced around them, realizing that the fight that surrounded him and Angel was over. Dead rogues lay on the ground, while Toma was nowhere in sight. With a heavy heart, he nodded his head as he faced Teague and Phaelyn.

  “Fine. Just don’t let anything happen to her.” He bent down and brushed Angel’s cheek, the one that Phaelyn had punched. Her dark eyelashes were a stark contrast to her pale skin. A bruise was already starting to form.

  “I’ll take care of your mate,” Phaelyn said, calling for someone over the communicator to bring a truck to her. He caught sight of Gadiel jogging over to Phaelyn, and knew that he was leaving his mate in good hands.

  “Nicu, come in,” Adrian called into his communicator. It was time for them to put an end to this.

  “Where the fuck are all these rogues coming from?” Teague hollered as they fought their way through more rogues.

  Even with the additional help from the council, they were still having a hard time containing the fight from spilling out to the human town nearby. They were not to let a rogue vampire get away from this compound. He glanced behind the rogue currently attacking him, and witnessed Ronin and Viktor nearby, each taking on two rogues at a time.

  Adrian plunged his sword into the rogue’s chest. He quickly pulled back, allowing the body to drop to the ground. With Phaelyn and Gadiel securing Angel and getting her away from the fight, he could concentrate.

  The ground rumbled, gaining everyone’s attention as the shaking increased. Adrian stumbled over the dead rogue, trying to gain his footing.

  “Vampires,” a voice boomed from across the field. Adrian scanned the area, trying to find where the voice came from, and the bottom of his stomach gave way.


  Robed figures stood gathered together in front of an open portal. The brightness provided enough light for Adrian and the others to see who stood before them.

  King Sodan.

  He stood proud, with a devilish grin on his face, but that wasn’t who caught Adrian’s attention. It was the lone familiar figure, kneeling at the foot of the necromancer king, beaten, chained, and barely conscious.

  “You vampires think that you can defeat us,” the king shouted. “No more! We will dominate this world. Starting with payback for my son!”

  Adrian began to make his way toward the necromancers. This had been a fucking trap, to get the Dark Shadows here to destroy the rogue army that the necromancers were building, just so that they could capture Nicu.

  It had been wildly known that the necromancer king had a bounty on the Dark Shadows’ leader for killing his son, Xalak. But Nicu never backed down from a challenge; he refused to cower from the threat of a bounty. Hell would freeze over before Nicu would stay away from a battle.

  Adrian cursed, thinking of his failed attempt to contact his older brother. He should have sent someone in search for Nicu, but his brother would have had his head for doing so in the middle of combat.

  “I have what I came for,” King Sodan snarled, grabbing the chains that surrounded Nicu’s neck. “Tell Vladimir, we are now even.”

  Adrian was now running full speed toward the necromancers. He refused to just sit idle, while they dragged his brother off to God knows where.

  “Nicu!” Adrian shouted, sword in his hand at the ready.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Teague, Ronin, and Viktor running toward the necromancers also.

  “Eye for an eye,” Sodan said, before kicking Nicu through the portal.

  Adrian pumped his arms harder, using his vampiric speed, but it was too late. The necromancers had captured Nicu.

  Chapter 27


  “Where is Toma?” Vladimir quietly asked the room. All the Shadow members had made it back to the Olaru mansion.

  Everyone except Nicu and Toma.

  Phaelyn had met Adrian when he arrived to inform him that his mate was settled in the containment unit, under guard. Once the debriefing with the king was over, he planned to go check on her.

  “He went after Damascus, Father,” Adrian answered, unable to look at his father. He stared down at the floor as he leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. Shame washed over him. Not only did he fail his mate, but he failed his brother as well.

  The remaining Shadow members gathered in the vampire king’s office. The tension in the air was palpable, as everyone remained silent, contemplating what could have been done to prevent Nicu’s capture.

  “The rogue leader?”

  “The rogue leader was the vampire that turned my mate, and was orchestrating the rogue army to fight against us for the necromancers. I ordered Toma to kill Damascus.” Adrian looked to his father, meeting his dark eyes.

  “I would have given the same order. You know your brother won’t return without the rogue’s head.” The king nodded before standing, and walked around the room. “No one in this room is to blame for the capture of Nicu—”

  “But Father, I—” Adrian tried to interrupt.

  “Silence!” the king roared, turning to Adrian.

  Nicu’s capture was his fault. Adrian had been internally beating himself up, knowing that he should have followed up on Nicu the minute he didn’t answer his communicator. Adrian released a shaky breath as he combed his hands through his hair.

  First Angel, now Nicu.

  “We are warriors in a fight to save our kind!” the king snapped, his crimson eyes locked on Adrian. “Your brother knew the risks of entering into this war. Hiding is not what an Olaru does. We stand and fight.”

  Murmurs echoed around the room at the king’s words. Adrian nodded his head, as he returned his father’s gaze. He stood, looking around the room at his fellow Shadows, and knew that in the absence of his brother, it was his turn to lead.

  The Dark Shadows would descend on the necromancers. They would tear the necromancers apart to get to his brother. Without asking, he knew each vampire in the room would do anything to get Nicu back.

  The door to the room burst open, with Toma striding in, a small black duffel bag in hand. Everyone was now accounted for, except Nicu.

  “It is done,” Toma growled, tossing the bag to Adrian.

  Adrian caught it in midair, and judging by the weight, he knew that Toma didn’t let him down. He walked over to his father’s desk and sat the bag down. Once unzipped, it revealed the gruesome gift from his brother.

  The dull eyes of the dead rogue leader stared back at him. He closed the bag and nodded his head to Toma in gratitude.

  “We’re going after Nicu.” The king’s voice floated around the room. Adrian sat down in the nearest chair, head in his hands, as his father continued to speak.

  He was torn. He needed to help rescue his brother, yet his mate was in the containment unit. How could he choose one over the other? Adrian’s mind was telling him that Angel was safe, and to go after Nicu. But then his heart said to go to her. His mate needed him. She was alone, and he had promised her that he would always be there for her.

  A roar went up in the room, grabbing Adrian’s attention. The other Shadow members stood, braced as if they were about to charge off to battle. Adrian slowly stood to his feet, confused on what he missed.

  A slight knock at the door captured everyone’s attention. Watson entered the room. His eyes searched until they landed on Adrian.

  “Master Aven and guest is here for you, Prince Adrian,” the butler said. “I have placed them in the sitting room, sire.”

  Adrian walked toward the door, but was blocked by his brothers, Toma and Teague.

  “Go take care of your mate,” Toma commanded.

  “We’ll go after Nicu,” Teague said, placing a strong hand on Adrian’s shoulder. He glanced at both of hi
s brothers, knowing that the decision had been made for him. They both understood the draw to be with a mate.

  Vladimir brushed Teague and Toma aside, and stood in front of Adrian. His father’s dark eyes met his. “Go and see after your mate. Your brothers will handle the necromancers and find Nicu. Once Angel is better, then you can join them. That is an order, my son.”

  Adrian nodded his head, too choked up with emotion to speak. He brushed past his father and headed out of the office, and to the sitting room to greet his guests.

  “Aven.” Adrian greeted the Fae with a firm handshake.

  “Adrian, it’s good to see you again,” Aven said. “I want to introduce you to Shyael. She is the elemental I told you about.”

  Adrian’s eyes were drawn to the tall, pale woman with long, platinum gray hair. Her white sheer gown outlined her thin frame. She seemed to float across the room as she came to stand in front of him.

  “Your Grace,” Shyael greeted him with a slight nod of the head. Her pale eyes were kind as she shook his hand.

  “Thank you for coming,” Adrian nodded. “Shall I take you to her?”

  “Please,” Shyael responded. “Aven has caught me up on what has happened. I take it that the necromancers have activated her?”

  “Yes, Angel is no longer herself.”

  “Let’s not waste any more time, Your Grace.”

  Chapter 28


  The containment center was an undisclosed facility owned and operated by the Dark Shadows. The building was warded with the strongest of spells to house the most dangerous supernaturals, and now, Adrian’s mate was imprisoned there.

  Watching Angel struggle against the restraints just about broke him. Adrian locked his knees into place as he stared at his mate through the observation glass of her cell.

  When they had arrived to her cell, he was shocked to find his sister, and his two sisters-in-law, Anika and Bella, keeping an eye on Angel.

  “She’s beginning to tire herself out,” Nadira said, wrapping an arm around his waist. Nadira quickly gave him an update on Angel since she had awakened. He squeezed her back, appreciating her presence.

  “Shyael will be able to help your mate.” Aven’s voice broke through Adrian’s thoughts.

  “Elementals are strong, Adrian. She should be able to free Angel from the necromancer’s hold,” Bella said, glancing at Shyael.

  “I was supposed to protect her,” Adrian murmured, as they all watched the elemental shift into her transcendent form and float through the steel doors.

  “Well, you two are meant for each other. Her main concern was protecting you.” Aven patted Adrian on his shoulder. He gripped the windowsill tight, thinking that he was the stronger vampire, and it was never he that needed protection. At that moment, he fell deeper in love with his mate for her unselfish act.

  “What is she going to be able to do?” Anika asked with wide eyes. Anika was his sister’s best friend, and mate to his brother Toma. She still had much to learn of the supernatural world.

  “Perform a miracle,” Adrian answered, and sent up a prayer that the elemental would be able to withdraw whatever the necromancer had put inside of her.

  The elemental seemed to float across the room as she approached Angel. Angel flashed her fangs at Shyael, and let loose a string of incompetent words. Shyael’s face softened, and a small smile formed on her face as she gracefully moved closer to Angel. Angel snapped her fangs.

  “I won’t hurt you, vampire,” Shyael assured Angel in a soft, musical voice. “But I do need for you to go to sleep,” she said, waving her hand over Angel’s face. Instantly, Angel’s body slumped on the table, completely under the elemental’s control.

  Adrian could feel his gums burn from his fangs wanting to descend. He knew in the back of his mind that the elemental was not harming his mate, but instinctively, he wanted to rush into the room to protect her.

  They all watched as a soft white glow emanated from the elemental’s hands as she walked around the table, assessing Angel, and muttering in another language. Shyael made her way back to the head of the table and laid both of her hands on Angel’s head. A blinding white light filled the room.

  Adrian quickly turned, shielding his eyes with his arm. He turned back and leaned against the window, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Shyael glanced up at him with a smile on her face, before she turned her attention back to Angel.

  A piercing scream let loose in the cell.


  He would recognize that voice from anywhere.

  She was awake.

  And she was calling for him.


  Panic filled her chest as she stared up into the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Her pale eyes were warm and welcoming. Tears fell from Angel’s eyes as the pale female continued to stare down at her.

  “Adrian!” she screamed again, trying to free her hands, but they wouldn’t budge.

  She didn’t know where she was, or who the hell the extremely pale figure was staring down at her with a soft smile.

  “It is okay,” the female said. “Your mate is near.”

  Where the hell was she? And why were her arms and legs restrained? The sound of a door slamming open filled the air. Her head swung in the direction of the door, and found Adrian stalking into the room.

  “Angel,” he murmured, reaching his hand out to brush her hair away from her face. “Are you with me?”

  Her throat constricted, as the dam of tears broke. She nodded her head, loving the feel of his hands in her hair.

  “Thank you so much, Shyael. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” Adrian addressed the pale woman, but never took his eyes off Angel.

  “Reuniting you with your mate is payment enough, Your Grace,” Shyael responded from the doorway.

  “I need to hear you say it,” Adrian said, wiping her tears away. His eyes burned bright with tears as he continued to stare down at her, as if trying to memorize her.

  Angel wasn’t exactly sure what had happened. She couldn’t remember anything since the necromancer king had come into the room she had been held in with the other rogues. She tried to recall something, but drew a blank.

  She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know what had happened during her blackout. All she knew was that she was glad to have survived, and Adrian was safe and sound. They had an eternity to look forward to. She looked up at her mate and found his ice blue eyes were filled with love as he waited for her reply.

  “It’s me,” she whispered, and her voice cracked. “Have you looked your fill, or do you need me to turn around so you can see what my ass looks like?”


  King Vladimir Olaru

  Vladimir jogged up the stairs of the royal mansion in search of his mate. The queen was a strong vampire, a dedicated queen, but at the end of the day, she was a mother, and one of her children were missing. Vlad knew that it didn’t matter how old their children were. Alin would kill for their children. And right now, his queen demanded necromancer blood.

  And she will have it.

  “Alin, my dear,” Vlad called out as he entered their bedroom suite. She sat in her high-back chair next to the window that overlooked her favorite gardens.

  His mate of over four hundred years was still as beautiful as the day they met. Her light blue eyes, the same eyes that each of their children inherited, bore into him as he walked toward her.

  “How are Angel and Adrian?” she asked quietly.

  Too quiet.

  “Angel is resting now, and Adrian is hovering around her, not letting her out of his sight.”

  She nodded, her eyes glancing in his direction. This was not like his mate to shut down. He knew that her rage was brimming; he could feel it. He was damn glad he was on her good side. He had always been known as the strong and vicious vampire king, but the world had yet to see the vampire queen out for blood.

  “Any word?” she asked, turning to stare back out the windo

  “Not yet.” He knelt down on one knee in front of her. “Toma is in charge of the search for Nicu.”

  She nodded, knowing that Toma would not stop until he found his brother alive, or he killed every necromancer, versi, and rogue vampire that existed to avenge his death.

  “Nicu is the heir to the throne. Aside from me, he is the strongest vampire alive. He will survive whatever the necromancers do to him.”

  Alin’s head snapped to him, her eyes burning crimson. He instantly felt a tightening in his pants at his wife’s fierce look, but knew that now was not the time for lovemaking.

  “This war has gone on too long, Vlad. It is time to end this.” Her fangs flashed from beneath her top lip. He stood quickly, backing up as she jumped up from the chair, advancing toward him. “We have toyed with our enemies long enough. They are to die! We are the king and queen of this vampire nation, and it is time the council stop fucking around. They will send every vampire warrior, and we will destroy—”

  He crushed his mouth to hers, unable to stop himself. His wife, fierce as she could be, was sexy as hell, and he had to have her now.

  They would plot out how they would take down the necromancers in about an hour or two. Alin ripped her mouth from his, tearing his shirt open. The sound of buttons dropping to the floor filled the air.

  Her hands flew to his belt buckle, and he knew that his mate would scold him later for interrupting her fierce vampire queen speech. But for now, all he wanted to hear was his fierce vampire queen scream his name.

  ~The End~

  Sneak Peek

  Nicu (The Dark Shadows 5)

  Chapter One

  The rage that was festering inside of Nicu Olaru was barely contained. He grunted from the twinge of pain in his shoulders from having his arms bound behind him while being dragged along by two rogue vampires. Without even looking, he could tell they were rogues by the smell that permeated the air around them.