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Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4) Page 11

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  She was back where she started, in a room full of turned vampires. There had to be at least one hundred new vampires in the room. A few rogues paced, watching over the neophytes. The neophytes were standing in lines, ignorant of the horrors that Angel was sure waited for them. But unlike the other vampires, Angel found herself with a collar around her neck and chained to the wall.

  “My children,” her sire’s voice boomed as he entered the room. She had yet to learn the name of the vampire who ripped her delicate human life from her. Fury swirled in her chest as she sat on the floor, her eyes locked on him. “The masters are coming. It is time that we help them end this war with the vampires.”

  “The Shadows won’t let that happen,” Angel snapped defiantly, as his eyes turned to her.

  Adrian and the other Shadows would not be defeated. She thought of all she had walked away from, trying to save the one good thing in her life.


  Snickers filled the room at her statement, as he stalked toward her.

  “Angelina. In the short time you have spent with them, you have become brainwashed.” He bent down and yanked on her chain, forcing her to her knees in front of him. “We’ll fix that soon enough.”

  “Well, sire, they are not the ones who have been lying to me my entire vampiric life,” she spat, not looking away from him. She refused to cower any longer. This vampire had taken everything from her, and she refused to be a victim again. “I don’t even know your name. The vampire who took everything from me should at least have the balls to tell me his name.”

  “My name?” he barked out a sarcastic laugh. “My name will be a memory soon enough for you. Damascus, little one, if you must know. But soon, you’ll only call me Sire.”

  “And you shall bow for your rightful king,” a new voice spoke up from the doorway. Damascus dropped the chain and stood, turning to the newcomer.

  “King Sodan,” he gasped, dropping to one knee. “Your Highness, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

  Angel’s breath caught in her throat as she watched a group of necromancers in dark robes walk into the room. One in particular was dressed in white, and Angel was sure he had to be the king of the necromancers. A wrinkled hand reached up and pushed the hood from his head, displaying a pale man who looked centuries old, with stringy gray hair.

  The imprisoned rogue vampires grew in a frenzy, with their screams piercing the air, as if sensing new blood. Angel scooted back against the wall as the amber eyes of the necromancer king landed on her. Panic began to set in as he slowly walked toward her. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.

  “The Dark Shadows are closing in. We can’t afford to wait any longer. The time has now come for us to activate my rogue army.” The king stopped a foot away from Angel, staring down at her with his sullen eyes. “Is this the vampire?”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Damascus answered, standing behind the king.

  Angel’s body slowly rose from the ground on its own accord, as the king’s hand rose in the air. She gasped, looking around as she floated in the air, moving toward the king as he controlled her.

  “What is your name, little vampire?” the king demanded.

  She glowered at him, as her feet dangled in the air. The collar on her neck pulled slightly as she floated further away from the wall.

  “Answer your king,” Damascus ordered.

  “He is not my king,” she challenged. This would never be her true king. Her true king was Vladimir Olaru, king of the vampires. Not this necromancer king that was trying to wipe out her race.

  “She has spunk.” The king nodded with a gleam in his eyes. “Too bad, it will all be erased soon enough.”

  A scream burst forward from her lips as an excruciating pain tore through her head. She gripped the chain that connected to her collar, praying that the pain would leave her. Her feet kicked freely as the scraping sensation continued to wreak havoc on her brain. Suddenly, the pain disappeared as quickly as it came.

  “Angelina Sanz,” The king murmured. It took almost all her strength just to hold her head up to send what she hoped was a death stare. “Once human, and all alone in this world. Then, our good friend Damascus here found you, and turned you.”

  “Stay out of my head,” she cried out, gasping for breath as her head began to pulsate from the painful invasion into her mind.

  “But what I found going through your memories, little vampire, was even more fascinating,” Sodan continued, lowering her to the floor. “She has mated with an Olaru prince.”

  “What?” Damascus exclaimed. All eyes in the room turned in her direction at his announcement.

  She closed her eyes tight as her body crumpled to the floor in its weakened state. Her head lulled to the side, her body unable to move. Fear crept up in the back of her mind, as she could barely feel her limbs.

  What the hell were they about to do to her now?

  “No,” she whimpered, trying to deny what she was sure the necromancer had saw in her memories.

  “Damascus. You will be rewarded handsomely for this one.” The king praised the rogue, just as the onslaught of pain began again.

  “Adrian,” she cried out, just as her world grew dark.

  Chapter 24


  Adrian let loose a string of curses. The connection that he had with Angel was no longer there. He panicked as he searched within himself for that tiny feeling of her presence in his heart.


  “What is it?” Khalid asked, getting out of the passenger side of the truck. Adrian slammed his door shut, instead of following his first inclination of ripping it off the hinges.

  The Shadows had pinpointed where the rogues were hiding out, thanks to Jaxon. The captured rogue was very helpful when offered a deal that would spare his life.

  “The connection with Angel,” he started, but was cut off by the appearance of a hint of pain, pulsating in his heart. He paused, trying to discern what it was that he was experiencing.

  Was the pain hers?

  If she was injured, he would personally level the fucking buildings to the ground.

  “What is it, brother?” Nicu asked, as his brothers and the other Shadow members surrounded him. He met the piercing blue eyes of his eldest brother.

  “I thought for a second, I had lost our connection. But I can feel the slight hint of pain. She’s in pain,” he informed the group.

  Tension grew, as they all knew it was imperative to get Angel away from the rogues and end this war for good.

  Jaxon’s directions led them to a compound fifty miles from the small town that Angel’s hoodie was found. Out of all the towns that she could have gone to, she unknowingly ran straight to the rogue leader, Damascus. According to Jaxon, it was Damascus who attacked Angel and turned her.

  Adrian turned to look at all the vampires who were present on this night to help him rescue his mate, and fight for vampire kind. Not only was every Shadow present, but the council had sent in reinforcements to ensure that this compound, and every rogue vampire fighting against them, would die tonight.

  “We will find her and bring her home,” Nicu promised, gripping Adrian’s shoulder.

  They were currently a little over a mile from the compound. Not wanting to alert the rogues that their hideout had been discovered, it was decided that it would be best for them to travel on foot.

  The past twenty-four hours had been spent planning to destroy the rogue’s compound. With the amount of vampires with the Shadows tonight, they would surely be successful. The rogue’s compound was surrounded. Vampires would converge from all directions to ensure that no rogues escaped.

  “The plans have not changed. Every rogue in this compound is against the vampire nation, and is to die on this night!” Nicu paused, looking around the clearing at all the vampires who nodded in agreement. “They have your prince’s mate in there. Our mission is to retrieve her and destroy every fucking rogue. Any

  There was no question about tonight’s mission.

  Retrieve and destroy.

  Rage began to burn in Adrian’s chest at his brother’s words. Nicu was right. The rogues had his mate, and every one of them would die tonight.

  “Look over there.” Khalid pointed to the rows of rogues that were lined up outside of the first building. Khalid, Adrian, Phaelyn, and Nicu were together, hidden in a patch of woods less than a hundred feet from the compound.

  The buildings were scattered around the land, and reminded Adrian of a human’s army barracks. He shifted his position, glad that the midnight sky was full of clouds, providing more cover for the hundred or so vampires that were about to infiltrate the rogues compound.

  “Something has them on the move,” Nicu growled behind Adrian.

  “There’s more movement over there. The rogues are coming out every building.” Phaelyn pointed to more figures pouring out of another building.

  Rogues marched out in a single formation, lining up in front of each building.

  “We move now,” Nicu commanded, speaking into his communicator. He motioned for them to follow him.

  It was time.

  Adrian drew his blade from his waist, ready for battle, while sprinting behind his brother. The Dark Shadows would show the rogue vampires why they should run scared.

  Fighting erupted as the vampires appeared from all directions on the unsuspecting rogue army.

  Vampires against rogues.

  Adrian swung his dagger, plunging it into a snarling rogue. The rogue’s eyes were feral, lost in the bloodlust as he continued to snap his fangs at Adrian. Adrian let loose a curse, as the rogue continued to lunge at him. He whipped the dagger out of the rogue’s chest, swinging it again, this time sinking it into the rogue’s throat. They crashed to the ground as he slashed his throat open. Finally, the rogue’s body slumped onto the ground, deathly still.

  The sounds of battle filled the air. Adrian’s attention was caught by a large menacing figure exiting the larger building from across the battlefield. Through the throng of vampire and rogues fighting to the death, he recognized the figure as the one from the video.


  The rogue leader was followed by a few figures, but there was one particular figure that caught Adrian’s breath in his throat.


  Chapter 25


  Something was wrong. Adrian slowly began making his way in their direction, as dread filled his chest. There was no fighting, screaming, or attempt at escaping. She just continued to follow the rogue leader through the fight.

  “Toma!” He shouted for his brother as he picked up his pace.

  Toma glanced in his direction, pulling his sword out of a dead rogue. Adrian pointed in the direction of Damascus and Angel. Toma sheathed his sword on his back before catching Phaelyn and Teague’s attention with a shrill whistle.

  “What the fuck?” Toma asked, glaring at the rogues as they made it to Adrian’s side. “Where is Nicu?”

  “I have no fucking clue,” Adrian answered, just as they intercepted the rogue leader. Nicu was probably doing what he did best; killing any rogue in his sight. Right now, Adrian wouldn’t worry about his elder brother. Nicu could take care of himself.

  “Ah, the Dark Shadows,” Damascus greeted them, a devilish smile spreading across his face.

  “Damascus, this ends tonight,” Adrian growled, trying to get a glimpse of Angel, who stood unmoving behind the large vampire. His hands itched to get his hands on her. He needed his mate at his side. “Hand her over,” he demanded.

  “The master told me that she had mated with an Olaru.” Damascus let loose a cynical laugh as he moved to the side, displaying Angel.

  She stood amongst the other rogues, as if waiting for a command. Her big doe eyes were dull and lifeless.

  The necros had used their powers, and now she was under their control. A growl resonated deep within him at the thought that she had become what she had feared the most.

  He had failed her.

  Hands grabbed him as he lunged for Angel.

  “Angel!” he shouted, as he was pulled back from her. She didn’t even flinch at the call of her name. Damascus chuckled as he watched Adrian struggle against his brothers’ arms. “You’re dead,” Adrian growled, pointing a finger at the rogue leader.


  Adrian watched in horror as Damascus leaned close to Angel’s ear. She didn’t flinch or shy away from him.

  “See that vampire there?” Damascus pointed to Adrian, causing him to give pause, to hear what the rogue was whispering into his mate’s ear. Her dull eyes turned and focused on Adrian. “Kill him.”

  “Yes, sire,” she responded, her voice void of all emotions.

  “No,” Adrian whispered, shaking his head, as his heart broke in half.

  “Kill them all!” Damascus shouted, ordering the other rogues who stood with Angel. Damascus gave another laugh as he backed away. The rogues spread out, while others joined in on surrounding them.

  “No, Angel,” he begged, as her dull eyes remained on him. He shook his head as she pulled a large dagger from behind her.

  “Adrian,” Toma growled, turning in a circle. The rogues had them completely surrounded.

  “Toma, I want Damascus dead,” Adrian snapped, as he went back to back with his brothers and Phaelyn.

  “Consider it done,” Toma answered, brandishing his sword.

  “We can handle this,” Phaelyn spoke up, her fierce eyes narrowing on the rogues.

  “All in a day’s work,” Teague muttered, shifting his stance. “Adrian, you deal with your mate, we got the rest.”

  “I’m not going to fight you, Angel,” he said, holding his hands up. The sounds of battle filled the air around them, but he refused to engage in a fight with the love of his life. Adrian knew now, that was why she had run. She had never wanted to hurt him, and now, here she was, under the necromancer’s spell. Angel’s eyes remained steady on him as the rogues attacked. He refused to take his eyes off of her, but he could hear his brothers and Phaelyn handling them.

  Adrian trusted that once Toma could get free of the rogues, that he would go after Damascus, who had disappeared. The rogue leader would not stand a chance against his younger brother. Toma was one of the fiercest vampires around, and would not give up until he fulfilled his promise of killing the rogue leader.

  “Angel. You know me,” he started, as she moved toward him. He backed up, refusing to fight her. “Angelina, stop,” he commanded as she advanced.

  “You must die,” she hissed.

  Her lip curled back, exposing her fangs, just as she rushed forward. He blocked her attempt of slicing his abdomen with her weapon. She let loose a growl as she pulled her arm back. She reached behind her, brandishing another dagger in her left hand.

  What the fuck?

  “Angel!” he shouted as she dashed at him again, swinging both weapons. He whipped out his short sword, only to block Angel’s advances. He would rather stab himself in the heart with his own sword than to use it against her.

  Adrian used his sword to knock one of the daggers out of her hand. Angel let loose a yell as she swung with all her might with the remaining one. He cursed at her determination, or at least that of the necromancers that were controlling her. He knew that she had a gentle soul, and would never purposely cause harm to anyone.

  He grabbed her arm, the dagger inches away from his neck. He wrestled her arm down, trying not to use all of his strength. He didn’t want to hurt or break her arm.

  “Angel!” he called her name again, but it was useless.

  She was completely under their spell. He dropped his sword in order to get the weapon out of her hand. She kicked out her leg, hitting the side of his knee, causing them both to fall. Neither one of them let the dagger go. She whipped her leg out, causing them to flip with her landing on top. He refused to let go of her arm as they both wrestled to get cont
rol of the weapon.

  He looked into her focused brown eyes, and realized that he was fighting a losing battle. Fate had brought them together. There would never be another one for him. If she were to die, he knew that because of the bond between them, he would follow her in death.

  Even under the necromancer’s control, he knew that he would never hurt her. If he were to die, he would rather die at her hands. He knew that he wouldn’t survive her death if someone were to kill her because of the necromancer’s hold on her. He knew what he had to do.

  He released her wrist.

  Chapter 26


  He waited for the sensation of the knife piercing his flesh. He didn’t take his eyes off her unblinking crimson ones as she raised her arm back, dagger in hand.

  “Angel, baby, no matter what, I love you,” he whispered as he braced himself.

  A scream let loose from her as she swung her arm down. He closed his eyes briefly, waiting for the pain.


  He opened his eyes to the fleeting sight of another body slamming into Angel, knocking her off of him. He rolled to his side, catching sight of a long blonde braid gaining the upper hand with Angel as she tried to buck the newcomer off her.


  He watched as Angel continued to fight with her. He cringed as he watched Phaelyn drew her fist back and landed a punch to Angel’s cheek, causing her body to slump. He stood and made his way to Phaelyn and Angel.

  “Thank you, Phaelyn,” he said, squeezing her shoulder for a second. He kicked Angel’s dagger out of reach.

  “No problem.” Phaelyn nodded as she stood. “We will get her back to the mansion.”

  “No,” Teague said, coming to stand next to them. “She needs to go to the containment center.”

  “What?” Adrian whipped his head around to his youngest brother.