Adrian (The Dark Shadows Book 4) Read online

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  Angel braced one hand against the window, knowing that they were too high up for anyone to see them, but loving the thought that there was a possibility of spectators. Adrian pulled her naked body flushed against his muscular form, as his fingers again dove in between her slick folds.

  Adrian’s fingers spread her labia open, as another one swiped her slick opening. Cool air hit her clit, making it tingle and swell in anticipation. His free hand enclosed her swollen breast, massaging it as his finger dipped inside of her. The moonlight provided enough light to allow Angel to see everywhere his hands touched.

  She threw her head back against his strong chest, riding her mate’s skilled fingers, and the wave of emotions that he was wringing out of her. Angel squeezed her eyes tight as her hips began moving on their own, thrusting against Adrian’s fingers as he continued to stroke her swollen flesh. Angel reached up behind her, needing to hold onto something, and her fingers locked onto his hair.

  Adrian’s mouth found its way back to her neck, but this time, she felt the sting of his fangs piercing her neck. His grip tightened on her breast as he drank from her. Angel thrust harder, feeling herself about to reach her peak. She cried out as his finger disappeared from her clit, abruptly stopping her orgasm.

  “Oh God! Don’t stop!” Angel cried out, needing Adrian to finish what he had started.

  He pulled away from her neck, licking the puncture holes closed. His fingers plunged into her slippery core, and her pussy contracted against his fingers.

  “You are mine.” Adrian’s voice was gruff, firm, and possessive, while he continued to work her swollen clit. “This pussy is mine.” He thrust his fingers deeper inside of her. Angel loved when the alpha in him burst to the forefront. She whimpered as his breath caressed her ear. “I’m never letting you go—ever.”

  Every inch of her pussy pulsed, needing relief as he slowly withdrew his fingers, soaked with her juices. Adrian trailed his fingers along her folds again, parting her to reach the swollen flesh that begged for his touch. Angel’s legs trembled, barely holding her up.

  Her fingers tightened in his hair. Her breaths were coming faster. Adrian again led her to the edge of euphoria. She was so close. If he didn’t let her come this time, she swore she would do bodily harm to him. She tilted her pelvis forward, seeking his fingers, as he continued his sweet torture.

  “Come now, my Angel,” he ordered, pinching her sensitive flesh as the waves of her orgasm slammed into her.

  She screamed his name, as the sensations bombarded her. Her knees buckled from the onslaught of emotions. Adrian’s quick hands caught her before she hit the floor. He swung her trembling body up into his arms and carried her over to their bed.

  I have to leave him, Angel thought to herself. She shifted in the bed, and even in his sleep, Adrian drew her close to him. She stared at him, taking in the stubble on his chin, and his long eyelashes that most women would pay big money for. Tears clouded her vision as she thought of their all night lovemaking. Every touch from him reinforced what she already knew. He loved her, and because of that, she would have to leave him.

  She would rather take a stake to her own heart than to be the reason his stopped beating. She didn’t know where she would go with the rogues after her. If Jaxon had found her, she was sure one of the higher ranked rogues would soon find her as well. She shivered, thinking back to her time when she was first turned.

  She would have to run—fast and far away—from the love of her life.

  Chapter 18


  “Are you sure you’re making the right decision?” Aven’s voice spoke from behind Angel.

  Her hand froze on the door handle. She closed her eyes briefly before turning toward him.

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” she whispered, shaking her head.

  “You leaving will devastate him.” Aven’s keen eyes locked onto hers.

  She held his gaze, trying not to fidget in place. She didn’t need to be told that this was going to destroy her one and only love. But at least he would be alive, she thought to herself.

  She leaned back against the door, fighting back a sob. This was the hardest decision she had ever had to make in her life, but she knew it was for the best.

  “Whatever this is that the necromancers put in me, I can’t…I won’t take the chance that I could hurt or kill him. I would not be able to live with myself if something happened to him.” She paused, taking a deep breath. She turned back to the door, gathering her wits. “Are you going to stop me?”


  She turned back, and found no sign of Aven behind her. She turned the handle and stepped out into the hallway. She hurried to the elevator and hit the button. She glanced in the direction of Aven’s condo one last time, feeling every crack in her broken heart spreading.

  This is for the best.

  The ding of the elevator sounded, dragging her attention away from Adrian. She had to force her feet to move in order to get inside.

  “Main floor, please,” she asked the elevator attendant.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a nod.

  Angel leaned back against the wall and let out a deep breath once the doors closed. Something brushed her cheeks, and she reached up to find them wet, and angrily brushed them away.

  Life wasn’t fair. What did she ever do to piss fate off? Every time she got to a point in her life where she was happy, fate would step in and drop a grenade in the midst of her world, destroying everything. Her parents were taken from her, her life drastically altered because of her attack, leaving her to be a blood sucking vampire, and now the love of her life was being taken away from her.

  Within minutes, Angel walked through the luxurious lobby of the building. Curious eyes turned in her direction as she quickly made her way to the door. Angel was now focused on what she must do. The sun had just appeared over the horizon, and she knew from experience, disappearing during the day was very easy for a vampire to do.


  “We’ll find her, brother.” Nicu’s voice broke through Adrian’s thoughts. His family had gathered in Nicu’s office, trying to develop a plan to find his mate.

  Adrian woke two days ago to find that Angel had disappeared from Aven’s condo. He growled deep in his throat, thinking of the conversation between him and the Fae when he awoke to find his mate had left the safety of the condo.

  “What do you mean she left?” Adrian turned to Aven.

  The Fae stood cool and collected as he returned Adrian’s stare. Adrian had awoken, thinking that Angel was somewhere in condo. He had hurriedly dressed, needing to be with her. They had had a magical night of lovemaking, and he needed to see her. His heart dropped in his chest when Aven informed him that she had left on her own, leaving him with an empty space where his heart once beat.

  “She was no prisoner here in my home,” the Fae responded, shaking his head.

  “You know the rogues are after her!” Adrian roared.

  “It was her decision,” Aven said. “She left to protect you.”

  “It was not me who needed protection!”

  With his vampiric speed, Adrian slammed Aven against the wall, his face inches from the Fae. Never had he wanted to tear someone apart before that was not the enemy.

  “Calm down, Adrian.” Aven’s voice remained calm, but his eyes flashed something that Adrian couldn’t read. “Let. Me. Go.”

  Adrian stepped back from him, shaking his head. He ran his hand through his hair, not understanding why Angel would leave. He would have protected her with his life if it came to it. He physically felt ill with the thought that she was out there in the world.



  “Adrian.” His mother’s voice broke through his memory. He looked down, finding her standing in front of him with a concerned look etched onto her youthful face. He hadn’t even heard anything that was going on around him. “Do you know where she would have gone?”

  “No, I don’t have the slight
est clue,” he said, shaking his head.

  They had checked her apartment, finding it still locked up and untouched. There were no signs of Angel anywhere. It was like she had disappeared from the face of the earth.

  “The rogue,” Teague spoke up from his seat by the window. “Maybe the rogue, Jaxon, would know where she could have went.”

  Chapter 19


  Adrian paced back and forth at the entrance to the Olaru dungeon. He didn’t know why the rogue was kept alive, but for once, he was glad. This one may be able to help them find Angel. He had to prevent the necromancers from getting to her first.

  He had promised himself that he would always protect her, and he could not do that if he didn’t know where she was. He blew out a frustrated breath as he continued to pace, his thoughts focused on his missing mate.

  His heart stuttered, just thinking of her alone and scared. He needed to find her. Now.

  He stomped over to the door to the dungeon. Flinging it open, he walked down the hallway toward the rogue. He practically growled as the ugly green-eyed monster known as jealousy crept into his chest at the thought of the relationship between Angel and Jaxon.

  He approached the cell of the rogue, his anger growing, while fleeting ideas of slowly killing him filtered through his mind. He quickly entered the code to the room and his eyes locked onto him, chained to the wall.

  Jaxon’s head snapped up at the sound of the cell door sliding open. His eyes narrowed on Adrian as he entered the cell.

  “I don’t know any more than I did yesterday, Shadow.” The rogue’s voice was strained. Adrian smirked, knowing that the rogue was in need of blood. Soon, he would be dead, but for now, they had great use of him.

  “You know more than you think,” Adrian said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Well, I’m glad you have faith in me. I’m sorry to tell you, but you’re going to be disappointed,” Jaxon said, his words dripping with sarcasm. Jaxon leaned his head back against the wall and held Adrian’s gaze. “I’m all out of information.”

  “Don’t be too quick to count yourself out,” Adrian drawled, biding his time. He leaned back against the glass wall of the cell as he tried to pull himself together. Attacking him will not get the answers I needed, he reminded himself.

  He had to beat down the green-eyed jealousy monster as he looked at the rogue. What was his and Angel’s relationship? Had they been close? Images of the rogue and Angel entered his mind, and it took everything he had not beat the rogue to a pulp. Adrian bit back a growl at the thought that this vampire may have had his hands on his Angel.

  “Angel is missing,” Adrian stated, waiting for the rogue’s reaction.

  “What?” Jaxon practically yelled, jumping to his feet. “She said that she was safe here!” he yelled, the chains keeping him in place near the wall.

  “She left on her own,” Adrian said around the lump in his throat.

  “What did you Shadows do to her?”

  Using his vampiric speed, Adrian slammed Jaxon against the wall. His hand was on the rogue’s throat, cutting his air supply off, as Adrian bared his fangs. One twist, and he could snap the rogue’s neck. He tightened his grip, wanting to end his life now. How dare he insinuate that they harmed one hair on her head!

  “I wouldn’t harm a hair on her head,” he growled into the rogue’s ear. “She’s missing, and you may be the only person who can help me find her.”

  The rogue’s crimson eyes met Adrian’s as he gasped for breath. Adrian released him, disgusted that he was here asking a rogue for help. Jaxon, free from Adrian’s grip, slid to the floor, holding his throat with one hand.

  “I’m locked up here. How would I know where she went?” Jaxon gasped.

  “She’s on the run,” Adrian said, looking away for a second, trying to control his breathing. He was seconds away from losing his shit. “Where would a vampire on the run, hiding from rogues and necromancers go?”

  “Why should I help you find her?” He scowled, staring up at Adrian. The rogue’s eyes widened as he met Adrian’s glacial gaze.

  Toma wasn’t the only Olaru male that could leave enemies trembling.

  He smirked as he watched Jaxon slowly scoot further away from him, as far as the chains would allow. “You’re just going to kill me anyway.”

  “Help me find her, and we’ll work out a deal.”

  The rogue stared at Adrian for a brief moment, confusion lining his face. “What is she to you? Why do you care that she’s on the run?”

  “Tell me where she would go?” Adrian bit out around his incisors, not feeling the need to explain himself to the prisoner.

  What was between him and his mate was their business, and no one else’s. They were losing precious time right now—time he didn’t have to waste. The rogue didn’t know anything; he was stalling. Adrian would have to come up with a plan B, and maybe even a plan C. He wouldn’t quit until he found his Angel. He turned to leave the cell, before the vampire’s voice caused him to pause.

  “Wait! Okay, I’ll help, but I can’t promise anything,” the rogue rushed. “She’ll have to keep moving. She’ll have to stay in crowded areas where necromancers won’t go. Just promise me one thing, even if you do kill me,” the rogue begged, piquing Adrian’s curiosity. “Promise me that you will find her and keep her safe.”

  “With my life.”

  Chapter 20


  The hunger pains were hitting her hard. She had to find blood, and fast. It had been a few days since she last fed, and she was way past due. The streets weren’t safe, but right now, it was the only place that she could go where she could find an unsuspecting donor.

  Angel pulled her hoodie down further over her head as she peered around the alley corner. Nighttime was approaching, which would aid in providing her cover. She needed to hurry and find a donor, feed, then disappear again.

  One week on the run, and she had fallen back into her old habits, from when she had first ran from the rogues, but she knew that she had to keep moving. That was one thing she remembered from her past. That also meant that she had to put as much distance between her and Adrian.

  She knew that she couldn’t stay in one place long. She had pushed herself over the last week to put as much distance as she could between her and Cleveland, Ohio. She found a small town named East Haven, Alabama, to spend a day or two in.

  The old rundown motel room she had rented was nothing like her apartment, but at least it provided her a clean bed to lay her head. It did help that the manager didn’t ask any questions. Well, with the assistance of her vampiric compulsion, he didn’t, she thought as she looked around the main street in what the town considered it’s downtown.

  East Haven was near the Gulf Coast, and would provide an even easier cover for a vampire to disappear. She had plenty of options; she could cross over and disappear into the backlands of Mississippi, or run further into the bayous of Louisiana. Many have disappeared into the bayous, and she was pretty certain that once there, she would become a distant memory.

  It was the weekend, and there were plenty of people out and about for the entertainment in the local bars that lined the street. She observed the pedestrians walking past her before she caught the eye of a college age guy walking in her direction. He appeared clean, and strong enough to withstand losing a little blood.

  She stepped around the corner and leaned against the building. She pushed her hoodie off her head and combed her fingers through her thick midnight hair as it tumbled around her shoulders. Angel tilted her head and offered him a flirtatious smile. The young man returned it, and headed in her direction. She found herself a donor.

  “Hello there, lil’ thang.” His country drawl was strong as he approached her.

  He was of average height, with dark hair, and was dressed for a night out on the town. She smirked, thinking of how he was starting her Friday night off well. At least, as good as it could be for a vampire on the run.

“Hi, yourself,” she replied through her false smile.

  “What’s a pretty lil’ thang like yourself doing, hanging ’round here by yourself?” he asked, his eyes traveling up her body.

  She swallowed hard, fighting down her nausea. She needed to be quick with this. She glanced down at his neck, her eyes captivated by the noticeable pounding of his jugular vein.

  “I’m looking to get a drink,” Angel said as she gazed deep into his eyes, instantly pulling him into a compulsion.

  Angel had always been good at compelling humans. This was one of her many talents that she exceeded at when the rogues were training her in the ways of vampirism. The young man’s pupils dilated, just as a blank expression washed over his face. She knew that she had him totally under her control. She glanced around, and didn’t see or feel anyone watching them.

  “Come with me,” she commanded in a low tone, before turning back into the alley from which she came.

  The guy followed behind her as she led him deep into the alley. She didn’t dare look into his memories; she didn’t want to know anything about him. It was easier for her to hunt prey when she didn’t know anything about them. She turned, pushing the donor against the wall of the alley, while turning his face away from her. Under her command, he didn’t move. His juicy vein called to her. Her gums burned from her descending incisors.

  She licked his neck slowly, taking her first taste. She closed her eyes and thanked the heavens that he had thought to shower. His body tensed as she sunk her sharp fangs into his neck. His coppery substance filled her mouth and slid down her throat. She groaned as the nourishment filled her. She had gone way too long without blood. She would have to be more careful.

  The power of the fresh blood flooded her, increasing her strength. The hunger pains and nausea no longer consumed her. The desire to drain the donor crept into the back of her mind, but she knew she shouldn’t. She took one more long pull from him, before licking the puncture wounds closed. She pulled back from him, turning his face back to her so she could stare into his blank eyes.